

Musician says: Bring me your instrument, and I will play it
Lochaber News, May 22, 1999
A RUSSIAN record-breaking musician has set a challenge to instrumentalists throughout Lochaber.
Listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as being able to play 374 diffrent musical instruments, Sergei Vladimirsky will be visiting Lochaber and Nairn as part of a cultural exchange organied by the council's culture and leisure services department.
And he confidently says that he can play any instrument anyone brings to him.
In the summers of 1997 and 1998 groups of athletes, dancers, pipers, traditional musicians and craftspeople ventured forth from Lochaber and Nairn to take part in the Highland Games and Scottish/Russian Folk Festival held in Moscow. The visit in 1998 of the traditional musicians and craftspeople from Lochaber was assisted by the the cultural and leisure service department of Highland Council in Lochaber.
As a result of this exciting visit to Russia and a development of this cultural link between the two peoples, a group of musicians and dancers from Moscow will be coming to Nairn and Lochaber during this year's Highland Festival in May.
The Moscow Folk Ensemble or Moscow Family group, as they also like to be called, are internationally known and are far from a typical folk group. Although they emphasise Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian songs, the group also perform traditional music from around the world.
Sergei Vladimirsky, the group's leader, is already something of a legend in Russia.
"I challenge the audience to test my ability to play any instrument they might bring", he says. Surely a challenge to the people of the Highlands!
The group are expected to bring about 50 instruments with them from balalaikas and guitars to rare Russian Folk instruments like the Sharkunki and Treshotki.
The Moscow Family group and dancers will be performing in Marco's Leisure Centre in Fort William, Thursday May 27 - _4/3 and in Mallaig Hall in Mallaig, Friday, May 28 with the Scottish Stepdance Company, _5/4. Both performances are at 8pm with free entry to children under 15 years of age.
The group will also be travelling to Inverie in Knoydart for a special outdoor performance on Saturday May 29 at 2 pm
For further information on the group contact Helen Semple, Cultural and Leisure Services on 01397 702102.