
The youth ensemble "Grenadita" was founded in 1986 by participants of the music group "Grenada", The National Russian Ensemble, laureate of different national and international premiums and festivals. Tatiana Vladimirskaya is an art director of the group, doctor of history in the Institute of Latin America and of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an author of different books and articles dedicated to the music culture of peoples of the world.
The music leader is Sergey Vladimirsky, Honored Artist of Russian Federation. He is the only one who can play all the instruments existing in the world: all the instruments of symphonic orchestra, wind orchestra, jazz orchestra, instruments of all times and of all peoples. In his personal collection at home he has 424 musical instruments, all of them he plays, composes music and teaches his students to play them!
No wonder that such an interesting ensemble attracts so many people from all over the world; people of different ages, of different interests and world outlooks. It happened so that those who share the idea that music is an attitude to life and a way to mutual understanding between people could form this big friendly family named "Grenada" or "Grenadita".
Actually, very often those two names are identified, because now "Grenadita" has a more broad sense. Firstly it was founded as a child's group, but now you can see people there of different ages, from kids and students, there parents and friends and many other adults. If you only once see their rehearsal you will find yourself in a very extraordinary atmosphere of a holiday or festival full of communion, songs and dances! People attending these "classes" are of different nationalities.
You can find there representatives from foreign embassies or guests of our country, warmly greeted with their national songs. Students also open to them an interesting and bright picture of Russia through their performing! Many of their friends and musicians from Greece, Turkey, Scotland, USA, Canada, Ecuador and Brazil and other countries, visit these rehearsals to meet, to sing and to play together.
For now "Grenadita" has more than 150 participants. And all the meetings pass in such a way that everyone in the hall is falling into a magic world of music and friendship. Children study to express correctly their thoughts, to get accustomed to performing in big auditoriums, and helps them not only in their professional career but also in their ordinary life. Obviously, getting such a strong charge of positive energy and emotions, you will be in the mood for a long time!
Anyone can participate this music group without any special music education, without any competition. "The main thing for us are human qualities!" says Sergey Vladimirsky. According to music leader's belief, everybody has talents. To find and develop them you only need special conditions. Particularly those conditions the members of "Grenada" group are trying to create for people coming to them.
"Grenadita" club is attended by children from families of different background, including children form poor, wealthy and refugee families. Classes are free and give opportunities to everyone despite their financial situation, to study music, develop their own abilities and to participate in the life of the ensemble.
"Grenada" travels a lot in order to bring to people from different countries of the world a part of our Russian soul and unite people of different nationalities with the help of music. Sometimes "Grenada" takes its young sister to their concert tours with them.
"Grenadita" participated in the international festival "Peace Without Borders" that was held in Cuba 1989. In 1995 and 1996 after two concert tours throughout Spain they collected money for orphans from 29 child houses of Russia. Together with their grand group, "Grenadita" made an action "Music for medicine" which took place in Canada in 1996. Several times lads from the young ensemble succeeded to perform in such a wonderful country as Greece 1996, 1997 and 1998. In 1999 they became the first Russian music band participating with great success! in the Highland festival in Scotland!
In 1998, 1999 and 2000 "Grenadita" three times were awarded the name of laureate of the Russian festival "Student's spring", and the festival dedicated to the 1700 anniversary of establishing Christianity in Armenia. They have been mentioned several times in press, participated on radio and TV programs in Russia and also abroad.
"Grenada" is a very unique phenomenon. Children get the possibility not only to perform with professional musicians on the best scenes of the world, find many wonderful friends from different countries, but also to understand all the power of music coming from deep within the heart.
It penetrates to the souls of people and makes them feel, sing, love, be loved and believe in good! That is why the name of "Grenada" will always remain in our hearts as a symbol of friendship, peace, music and mutual understanding between all peoples on our planet. Grenada will bring them to the magic world of ancient cultures, dances, songs and fill their souls with delight for such a gift "to live" and "love"!