

"DIPLOMAT", ј2, 1999 By Alla Zenkovich
A quarter of a century ago, in 1973, a group of young musicians organized an ensemble and called it "Grenada". Today it is well known in Russia and abroad. Our readers are acquainted with its performances too. "Grenada" often takes part in various concerts held in the House of Friendship marking various historical dates or in Embassies on their countries national days, etc.
A Laureate of the World Youth Festival in Havana in 1978, it was also awarded with a diploma of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow and a Gold Medal of Arthur Bekker in 1987. The National Ensemble of Russia "Grenada" delights the audience by its highly professional performance of songs in more than 30 languages of the world.
"Grenada" is a frequent guest of different countries. The group gave its performances in the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Ecuador, Poland, Romania, Czechia, on Cyprus, in Greece, Canada, Spain etc.
During their tour in Argentina in 1990 they met with a Paraguayan of the Russian origin. He was so much impressed by their performance, by their singing of songs that he invited the "Grenada" to come to Paraguay, a country that no Soviet citizen was allowed to visit then: none of "russians" could got a visa to it for 30 years. So, at the invitation of the Association of Russians and Their Descendants, an influential public organization in Paraguay, the ensemble went on tour across the country. Its tour was a great success. Spirited Paraguayans were so much excited by the performance that they watched it with tears in their eyes, especially when the ensemble recited Russian folk songs or Paraguayan songs and melodies. The tour resulted in a set of documents with suggestions on establishing various contacts between Paraguay and Russia that the artists brought to Moscow. That event could well serve as an example of conducting politics with the help of music.
"A Magician from Our City" was a headline in one of Moscow newspapers about Sergei Vladimirsky, an artistic director of "Grenada*. He is the only musician in the world playing 400 musical instruments. He is invited to Spain to teach playing the guitar, Americans are amazed at his masterly playing the banjo and appalachian dulcimer , and at the Russian Association of Masters of Musical Instruments he is the main authority in selecting the best specimens of balalaikas and domras.
"Grenada" has a "child" of its own. This year it has celebrated its 12th anniversary.
Every Tuesday, in 39 Kutuzovsky Prospect, Moscow, gifted children from not only Russia, but also other countries, whose parents work in the Russian capital, get together. These rehearsals of "Grenadita" are just a festival of music, dancing and singing, but the main thing here is friendship. National barriers do not exist for them, all of them make just a friendly family: they celebrate together birthdays, share their joys and troubles. The "Grenada" musicians teach them everything they know themselves. There are always their mothers and fathers and their grandparents among the audience.
In 1995, "Grenada"and "Grenadita" made a tour over Canada to raise money for medical treatment of Chernobyl children. The charity action was supported by the Canadian government. They raised considerable funds and bought over 300 kg of valuable medicines. They travelled back to Russia free of charge thanks to the support of one of the sponsors, the Aerotlot Airlines. The Ensemble was received by Canada's Minister of Public Health Care and was awarded with the Order of Kind Hearts. A special church service in their honour was held on the day of their departure.
In November last year, the Russian Fund of Culture was the venue of "Grenada" performances. The house was full. Diplomats with families, other foreigners were among guests of honour. They were greatly impressed with the mastery and talents of its performers.